Saturday, January 17, 2009

Journal Pages 16 & 17 (red and yellow)

Journal page 16
How to Be Authentic: Do what makes you happy. NO MATTER WHAT
This should be my mantra for the rest of the year.
With art making, doing what makes me happy, no matter what, is the key to being authentic. To being myself. I worry worry worry about what other people are doing and making, and I worry about staying current, about keeping about. Worry worry worry. Will someone like it, will anybody care?

This is not the road I wanted to take, It is not healthy, its not ME. So I am going to write it down as many times as I need to. Do what makes me happy, no matter what.
Even if I'm scribbling with chalk on the sidewalk. ESPECIALLY if I am scribbling with chalk on the sidewalk.
Mermaids and faeries and little girls with big eyes and big lips and crazy hair and colorscolorscolors.
No matter what.

Journal Page 17
It started out a lot more yellow than this. But yellow is a bit of challenge for me.
I really wanted to play around more with all the textures and brushes and dover images I have.
I was trying for soft, feminine, and grunge-y all at the same time.
I like it, I don't like it. I don't know.
Maybe if I incorporate more of my own imagery.
It was a learning experience so I'm not going to judge it.


Dreamer said...

Nice water color drawings! :)
Keep up the vibrantly colored art!

Anonymous said...

I agree....(and go through the same process)... enough worry! Just enjoy !
Which is the problematic point of posting your Art - its about sharing and putting yourSELF out there. Keep it up... i say. x mandy